Boning with boningcap and tunneltape… but what is boning?
The beginning of Boning
Boning is originally from the baleen whale. These large animals eat plankton which they sieve from the water using their “beard”. The beard is the boning. Nowadays boning is made from platic or metal for many different applications. Including boning on a roll which you cut to size…
Boning – boningcap – tunneltape
When making your own corset, torselet or bustier, you will need boning. Also in outer wear like bridal gowns or cocktail attire boning is specified in the pattern. If you shop for boning you will notice there are different kinds. First: plastic boning, sometimes referred to as rigilene boning. It is sewn onto the seam allowance of your garment and looks like thin plastic rods that are wove together to form a flat piece of boning. It had two edges so you can sew it in firmly.
The second kind, also plastic is a flat plastic strip varying in width and thickness. Mostly this is thicker boning which will be inserted into tunneltape.
Boningtype number three is spiral boning. These are metal and are also referred to as steel boning. Imagine a spiral and press it down so the rings will be flat and partially covering each other. A bit like the olympics logo. The advantage of spiral boning is that they are stronger than plastic boning and still bend well. This kind of boning is mostly used by the professional sewer. Would you like to buy some spiral boning? Check out our shop and don’t forget to include boningcaps and tunneltape in your order.
Spiral boning with boningcap
This spiral boning is well suited for lingerie like corsets and for the tops of bridal gowns or cocktaildresses. Also suitable for a bra. (just not as underwire)
To finish your boning well you can use special boning caps. For the sew in boning there are plastic caps. These are transparent and can be applied to the garment with the sewingmachine. Put in the end of the boning and click to close. All done!
Is your boning the metal spiral kind? Cut them to size and apply the caps with a pair of pliers or a vice. The vice allows you to squeeze harder, so that may be better for your hands.
Choosing boning
Which boning should you choose? To make the right choice remenber this:
The bigger the clothing size of the garment the firmer the boning.
The type of interlining you use is also of influence. So choose interlining and boning together. When in doubt make a testpiece with your fabric, interlining and boning.
To get the boning to stay where you want it you use tunneltape. (except when using the sew in boning) Our tunneltape is white and 1cm wide. We have selected this to go with the spiral boning of 7mm wide.
Maybe you know the underwire tape for a bra. That is also a kind of tunneltape. For a bra it’s rounded, our tape is straight because boning is straight. Tunneltape is essentially a hollow tape in wich you insert the boning.
Making a bridal gown with boning, boningcap with tunneltape and bridal laminate
Are you sewing a bridal gown with a fitted top use bridal laminate in combination with boning, boningcap and tunneltape. Choose one of the kinds of laminate and order a extra strong blind zip that is specially made for bridal and cocktail wear.
Our boning is made for lingerie and tops of cocktail and bridal dresses. As boning for hoop skirts they are not suitable. You will need a kind of boning that looks like a strip of metal. We can however order it for you including boning caps.