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Vilene interlining G700 cotton fuse with manual, the infosheet. G700 is a woven, 100% cotton interlining. You will find the user manual or infosheet down the page, or click on the link in the table of contents. It is a great interlining that will give you good reinforcement. It is not thin and not thick, the middle ground if you will. Depending on the fabric used the result will be firmer or suppler. A test before applying is wise…
Cotton interlining is usually applied in natural, cotton fabrics. G700 is the thickest cotton interfacing by Vilene. There is a thinner version with number G710
There is however a heavier cotton interlining, it is not by Vilene so it does not have a number, only a name: Fusable cotton interlining extara firm. Because it is not a Vilene interlining the grip and result when fusing it is completely different. It has a dot coating, just like Vilenes G700 and G710
Vilene G700 cotton fuse is available in black and white
Patterns suitable for Vilene G700 cotton fuse
When do you use Vilene G700? Mostly when you want a firmer result. Are you a fan of natural materials? G700 is a great natural interfacing for your new blouse, dress or casual jacket. For jeans fabric for eaxample. This Vilene is also suitable for waistbands, read the blog about the waistband from edgetape. In this blog we use cotton edgetape which is cut from G700 interlining…

Vilene interlining G700 cotton fuse manual infosheet NL
Vilene interlining G700 cotton fuse maual infosheet EN
That was our post on Vilene G700 cotton fuse. You can use it in all kinds of different garments and fabrics and is extremely suitable for lovers of natural materials…