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Sewing cute spring items? Get inspiration at Beauty VoF
It is, at the moment of writing, the beginning of februari 2023. The sun is coming through, snowbells are in bloom and spring is coming. This always sparks a need to do something fun and new, mostly I want to sew something, but what? Here is some inspiration
Sewing tulips or carrots (cute spring items) from fabric

The carrots on the left have been created last year vor the blog about this easter present. The idea is that you can give eastereggs in an original package. Ofcourse the carrot van also be stuffed with filling
The tulips on the right are also stuffed with filling, this picture is from pinterest. You can find more inspiration for sewing cute spring items there!
Thw tulips above can be stuffed with the pillow, puppets and bears filling by Vilene. It is white, soft and washable stuffing in bags of 300 grams
Besides tulips and carrots you can stuff all your puppets, teddybears, otters, harts pillows, scented pillows and more
Wether you have knitted, sewn, crocheted your animals, this stuffing gives you a good result

Hand embroidery with solufleece

Embroidery, especially by hand, is a great hobby, nice cup of tea, a little music and go!
This tapioca leaf is embroidered on a linen fabric with embroidery cotton thread and solufleece. Draw the leaf on the solufleece, tack it onto the fabric and start filling the leaves with the embroidery thread
When you have finished the embroidery, simply wash away the solufleece and unpick the tack thread
With this embroidery set you will get 5 types of embroidery fleece. All on A3 size, the types are:
- Stitch and tear
- Fuse and tear
- Solufleece
- Solufix
- Filmoplast

With the embroidery set you can sew cute spring items and test out the different fleeces, including solufleece for hand embroidery. In the set all info on the 5 types is included!
Machine embroidery with the embroiderymachine

Embroidery can be done with an embroidery machine too. With this stylised rose for example. Embroider it on your new bag, garment or…?
When starting with embroidery you do not know which type of embroidery fleece works best for you, order the embroidery set above and find out!
Machine embroidery? Ofcourse you use Amann Mettler Polysheen
This beautiful, strong, shiny, polyester embroidery thead is available in many colours
The advantage of polyester as opposed to rayon thread is the polyester is stronger and will shine on for longer…
Embroider your cute spring items with polysheen!

Hare for the spring table – sewing cute spring items

Another cute one to make, a hare or easter bunny to decorate your table with! If that does not inspire spring feelings…
The bunny is made with style vil fix and bondaweb from a leftover piece of cotton and some sewing thread
How you make this bunny you can read in the blog:
Here you see the roll Style Vil Fix as used with the bunnies above. Style Vil Fix is a interlining for bags, it gives strength and volume. It is like foam but with a cover layer on both sides. Thickness is about 5mm

These are our ideas for cute spring items. You can find many more on pinterest or internet. Are you in need of interlining, sewing thread or haberdasheries? Our shop is available 24 hours a day!