Ironing on Vilene H180 with the manual PDF. All information you need to iron it, wash it etc.
What is vilene interlining H180?
H180 by vilene is a beautiful thin fusible interlining that is used for a variety of purposes. It is the first one you will try because it is a multifunctional interlining.
This lightweight, supple and soft, fusible Vilene is a so called nonwoven. It is made with polyester and polyamide. Vilene is using more and more recycled polyester and it does with H180. That makes it (partially) sustainable. It will become more and more sustainable in the future…
Vilene H180 is not woven but a non woven, it means you can tear it in the length, if you prefer it does not choose a different type of woven vilene like G785.
What to use H180 for
That is the best part of this Vilene, it is multi functional. For example in facings, collars and other small parts.
Or you fuse it all over a front. If your fabric is too thin and floppy for your blouse fuse it with a thin Vilene interlining like H180. That will give it more strength without becoming stiff. Jacket fronts can also be reinforced with H180. Check out the manual of this usable vilene a little further down the page.
Ironing Vilene H180 in the belt of a dressH180 by vilene is great in a jacket frontFor a collar and cuff of a shirt or blouse you can use H180 vilenHere you will find the Vilene H180 in the top part of the dressH180 vilene in the collar and cuffs…
How to apply Vilene H18
Ironing on Vilene H180 – the manual: Set your iron on wool or 2 dots, 8 seconds per spot without steam or water. More extensive info on this interlining you can find on the infosheet, the manual…
Infosheet Vlieseline H180 – de gebruiksaanwijzing NL
Are you convinced you need vilene H180? Click on one of the buttons below to order it in our shop. We sell white and black H180 and you can also purchase a whole roll of 25m. Is a roll too much? With the H180 per metre there are tier prices for pieces from 5m and from 10m. When you order a little more the price goes down…
You can also order a sample of this vilene. Test it first and then buy a larger amount. The samples come with the user manual but you can also find the infosheet manual with the product in the shop in the attachements or in the category: Free-download-infosheets-vilene-and-interlining
Please remember the width: Vilene H180 is 90cm wide, when fusing whole fronts you are going to need a little extra…